It was only a couple of weeks ago when I wrote about my first encounter with a bush fire… a truly hairy experience – but no sooner had I cleansed my lungs of smoke, when they filled back up… with DUST!!
The dust storm started in Central Australia, where strong winds whipped up – then carried on towards the Eastern side of Oz, taking with it clouds of choking dust. Luckily by the time it reached us, it was only a tame encounter (compared to it’s first stop down there in Sydney) But the dust storm that ventured up to the Sunshine Coast was a pretty weird episode.
The normally perfect blue sky suddenly transformed into an eye-rubbing mist of beige. The bright orange sun, once hidden by the thick clouds of dust was turned into a dulled light of greyish-blue… in fact it almost looked like moonlight, which was totally confusing.
But once again, while people ran for their homes to batten down the hatches, I raced outside to capture some amazing photographs – to show all my loyal readers what a dust storm is really like – all in the name of blogging! (now that’s dedication – or lunacy!)
So sit back, with your sparklingly clear lungs – and enjoy the photos, of …
‘the day the sky turned sepia’
Thank you! You often write very interesting articles. You improved my mood.
Thank you very much for that wonderful article
It actually looks very beautiful! I’m sure it’s a different story when you have to go out in it, though…
It was indeed another wierd encounter! The kids did not believe me that it was the sun and not the moon that was really blue. Thankfully I didnt have to brave this with you, all in the name of blogging! Love your wit and ability to capture the humour even when you are gasping for breath n scratching your eyes out! Wot’s next … storm season ….aargh!
It was indeed another wierd encounter! The kids did not believe me that it was the sun and not the moon that was really blue. Thankfully I didnt have to brave this with you, all in the name of blogging! Love your wit and ability to capture the humour even when you are gasping for breath n scratching your eyes out! Wot’s next … storm season ….aargh!