Ok, probably not the best way to start a blog, but I a currently at ‘critical stage’ of my book… so, although I know I should have been blogging from day one… I have had a steady stream of excuses…
1. All 3 children started new school year.
2. Mother-in-law arrived with exciting tales of Tuscany.
3. Book needed editing, spent countless hours trying to figure out how to work editing program on computer.
4. Once figured out, couldn’t send it back ’cause file had increased in size by 2 million per cent.
5. Ran screaming to unsuspecting IT man, who sent it back for me in two minutes flat.
6. Child number 3, sent home from day care with ‘foot and mouth disease’….. (what??)
7. Couldn’t work out blog site, and was too embarrassed to ask publisher to help me with it (again)
The list could go on, but I don’t wish to sound like your typical whingin’ pom… I have made a mental note to never write about excuses again.
Until the next time.