Moving to Australia

Viva la visa!!

For many of us, the thought of moving overseas is pretty daunting.  When you factor in the whole ‘selling up’ process; looking for a new place to settle; finding new employment; searching for the right school.

Then there’s the worry of  – will the dog be OK on the flight?…  will the kids be OK on the flight?…  will we be able to cope in the heat?….  will we be attacked by all those dreadful creatures?… will the kids settle?… what shoes shall I wear to go in?…  will I settle?…  are we doing the right thing? what if it all goes horribly wrong… OK, so I’m going overboard now – But you can see what I mean about having enough to think about.

The last thing you need, is to start having the added worry of organising your visa application.

I have met several people who had the ability to be able to fill in their applications themselves, it did save them money and they found it pretty straight forward. Good on ’em.

However, when I decided to have a go at applying for our visas, bearing in mind I am usually really good at that sort of thing, and our application was an easy one (‘formative years visa’ as my hubby, Max grew up in South Australia) I still found it fraught with problems, and having the time to solely concentrate on it wasn’t an option when I had children to organise; two businesses to sell – plus the house sale.. etc…

Fortunately, we decided to enlist the help of a migration agent and that was probably the best move we made. He dealt with our application with speed and professionalism, keeping us updated every step of the way, he was straight on to us if we needed to supply him with further information plus he spoon-fed us anything we didn’t understand…. which happened more than I thought!

So if you are in two minds about using a migration agent, just think about all the other aspects of relocating you have to deal with, then ask yourself, do you really want the hassle?

Personally, I would rather let someone else handle the red tape… and go down the pub!

For more information on the migration agent we used, I can highly recommend..


For loads more info on this subject as well as  many other oddments, don’t forget to grab your copy of my book!!

Have a great day. x

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