Here’s a quick piece of info you may like…
When you arrive in Aus, make sure you subscribe to Domino’s emails, you can get great daily internet deals.
How’s this for a bargain…
6 large Pizzas and 2 garlic breads for under $34.00…(that’s £22.58)
and that was enough to feed 3 fairly normal adults, 4 picky kids and 3 large carnivorous teenagers…
Couldn’t be easier and not bad for a lunch time feast…
(hmm I may need to go juicing again before the spring arrives though)
Give me a plain old pepperoni pizza, anytime. 🙂
Oh, thanks for the info. Domino’s is my fave pizza brand 🙂
It’s been a while since I ate some Domino’s pizza. Makes me want to order…